Wednesday, July 27, 2011

4 Frosties!!!

Huge sigh of relief! I am so much more optimistic. Boy, no joke this IF thing is a roller coaster! Now I can go back to watching sappy girly movies.

I also wanted to say that you ladies ROCK!!!! It has been so awesome to know that there are lots of you out there rooting for us! I wish I could send you all lovely gifts, but since I can't (both due to the anonymity of the bloggy world and the fact that we spent ALL of our money on this IVF thing) I will just continue to try to make you all feel as loved as I feel!

So basically THANK YOU!!!

And with that I will leave you with a couple of hopeful pictures.

I'm not sure which one is the one we put in. I'm hoping to talk to the embryologist when I go back next time and find out. The other guy is one of our frosties.

The little white spot inside the gray doughnut is our little embryo inside my uterus!!! Sorry for the crummy picture of a picture. I'll try to scan them and put up a better one later, but the scanner is upstairs and I'm still doing the bed rest thing :)


  1. Oh this is such good news. Congratulations!!!!!

  2. Yay! Great news! Continuing the positive thoughts!

  3. That is great news!!!! thinking of ya!! Big big hugs!!! :)

  4. Congratulations on the transfer and the frozen ones waiting for you. May this one stick and you have a great 9 months ahead.

  5. What great news! So happy and excited for you!

  6. gorgeous embabies!! congrats! hoping your 2ww is quick and painless

  7. YAY!! So happy for your 4 frosties! Hoping for the best with this IVF

  8. Hi from ICLW! That is great news! We just had our 5 day transfer so we are a day apart on things. I had 18 fertilize, 3 frozen at 1-cell, 2 transfered and heard this morning that none of them made it to freeze at blast. I'm hoping things work out for the both of us!! Good luck!

  9. What a cool embie photo, as well as the one of the uterus! Fingers crossed that it's your first baby picture!
