Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We Have a Blobby!!!

We had our first ultrasound this morning. We officially have a little blobby! Too early for a heartbeat, but everything looks good. I'll try to post the ultrasound pictures later, but there isn't much to see. The pics are very grainy.

They gave me the option to come back in a week and see the heartbeat or to wait and come back in two weeks. After much mental deliberation, I have opted for the two weeks. I'm sure that once next Tuesday rolls around I will be kicking myself in the butt. My thought process was to wait another week so that I can see more changes in our little blobby. Maybe next time the pictures will show a bit more.

Now back to work....


Holy cow! This is my 100th post!!!


  1. Happy 100th post!!! You are doing an amazing job keeping this blog up! I check it everyday! (Haha...sometimes twice a day!) And yay for little blobby! That is gonna suck to wait two weeks, but it will be nice to be able to see a little bigger blobby then!

  2. Yay for a blobby! And happy 100th post :)

    Glad the tips helped with the Lovenox too!

  3. congratulations on seeing your lil' one!!! i totally understand waiting the 2 wks...as much as you might kick yourself, it will pay off!!
    sending lots of happy positive vibes! <3

  4. Yay for Blobby :) & your 100th post! So excited for you and your journey :)

  5. Yay! I'm so excited that you finally got to see your blobby! Also, happy 100th post =D
