Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ICLW PrePost

Hi all of you ICLWers! I am posting this a day ahead just in case I don't feel up to posting tomorrow. Tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:15 am Mountain time I will be having my first egg retrieval for IVF!!! If you are new to my blog feel free to click here to see how this all started. Its been a crazy couple of years and I am hoping we are on the down hill slide!

Hope you all are doing well. I'm going to try to update tomorrow with how many eggs we get. Fingers crossed for lots!!!


  1. My fingers are crossed for you too. Good luck!!

  2. Crossing our fingers and toes! Can't wait to hear the count!

  3. Hoping and praying you have great results from your egg retrieval today.

    ICLW #13

  4. Good luck today!! I'm thinking about you!

  5. Stopping by for ICLW! Just wanted to say good luck on your ER! Hope everything goes well for you.

    ICLW #54

  6. Hope your egg retrieval went well! Rest up!

    All the best!

    ICLW #5

  7. stopping by from ICLW

    good luck - it is TIME!!!
